CLEAResult becomes a gold energy sponsor
CLEAResult, a game changer in the energy sector, becomes gold energy sponsor and supports Gridmates energy giving campaign for the benefit of Community First Village.
“Crowdsourcing energy is an interesting concept with great implications for future energy efficiency programs. For example, utilities can better incentivize and motivate customers to adopt energy efficiency programs by offering them the option to donate energy saved to those in need within the community through a platform like Gridmates. Therefore, simple energy efficiency steps – such as switching out light bulbs to LED lighting and reducing household energy consumption with the use of smart thermostats – could equate to more energy put back on the grid for those who need it most.” -Michele Negley, vice president south region for CLEAResult
"Partnering with a change agent like Community First! Village is a great way of fulfilling CLEAResult's promise to change the way people use energy. We’re proud to call Austin home. It’s important we support our community and programs like Community First! Village and all it’s trying to accomplish.” -- Glenn Garland, former CEO, CLEAResult