Quantum Living: The life of an entrepreneur
Like most of entrepreneurs of start-up companies, I have received the following question from my friends and family.
“How is your every day life George?”, “What are you going to do tomorrow?”
I was trying to explain all the things I do as a founder of a startup (www.gridmates.com) describing the vertical operation of my business and I realized that I cannot explain my everyday life because so many things are happening at the same place, time and location. So the answer I provide from now on is this:
“Hmmm….Well I don’t know because I live a Quantum Life!”
Based on my background in Physics, I realized that the life of entrepreneurs is characterized by two words:
“Quantum Living”
This is how this concept came into my mind.
It was a typical Monday. Between 4.00pm-4.30pm I was in a meeting, answering a phone from a client, receiving a skypecall from my investor to tell me that he will invest (!!) while I was driving to take food, preparing a presentation to send to the client (in my office), replying to another email from the development team for a new product that we were developing and at 4.25pm a person for an interview came in the office. I was holding the phone, writing an email and telling to the intern “please sit down because I might delay a bit.”
Ahhhh…Super intergalactic time travel, I could say.
So how is it possible to tell someone how is your every day life and what are you going to do tomorrow?
The answer was provided by a great physicists called Heisenberg in 1927.
It is called Heisenberg uncentainty principle.
In quantum physics, the theory of uncentainty (in a simplified manner) mentions that the more you try to define the state of a quantum, then the more probabilities you have to make a mistake!
This is it! The more you try to define what will happen in the next few hours or next day as an entrepreneur of a startup, the more probabilities you have to make a false prediction.
In my example above I was a Quantum since between 4.00pm-4.30pm I was traveling in time and space and was doing different things (actions). I was doing too many things in parallel, like a quantum that can be here and there at the same time (space time travel) ;)
So let's play a bit with theories:
“In quantum mechanics, the uncertainty principle, also known as Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, is any of a variety of mathematical inequalities asserting a fundamental limit to the precision with which certain pairs of physical properties of a particle, known as complementary variables, such as position x and momentum p, can be known simultaneously.
Introduced first in 1927, by the German physicist Werner Heisenberg, it states that the more precisely the position of some particle is determined, the less precisely its momentum can be known, and vice versa.”
I ask for the forgiveness from Dr. Heisenberg, but I could rephrase this great theory and modify for the life of entrepreneurs.
The Quantum Living:
“In the startup ecosystem, the Quantum Living, is any of a variety of living experiences asserting a fundamental limit to the precision with which certain groups of physical properties of an entrepreneur, known as complementary variables, such as position x, time t and action p, can be predicted and known simultaneously.
Introduced in 2016, by a Greek entrepreneur, the theory states that the more precisely the position (as a function of time f(t)) of an entrepreneur is determined, the less precisely its action can be known, and vice versa.”
Of course this theory is just a play with words, trying to make fun of the great experiences we gain as entrepreneurs!
My advice:
have fun quantum entrepreneurs and make it happen! You and only you can make your dreams become a reality!
Dr. George Koutitas
Co-founder at Gridmates Inc.
Assist. Professor at Texas State University
Austin, Texas April 2016